Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2) Read online

Page 8

  It was only then that Caitlin noticed Bree had her head cocked to one side. Pale lips curved down and the creases on her forehead showed she was still uncertain.

  Caitlin placed her hand over Bree’s affectionately. ‘Honey, this is what the rest of us have trained for and always hoped for, a chance to use our powers for good. We love you and want you to be part of all this, but if you want out, we can find another team member and you will still be Rory’s girl and my very best friend, always. In saying that, I think you’re putting too much pressure on yourself to take it all in at once. We’ll all learn together. Yes, there will be some slip ups I’m sure, although not from me!’ she joked to lighten Bree’s grip. ‘However, as a team there is nothing we can’t fix. Just try and see it for what it is; one hell of a ride.’

  Rory wrapped an arm around Bree. ‘She’ll be right, won’t you muffin? I’ll keep you safe, I promise.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll give it a go, but don’t expect me to be as good as you lot just yet until I learn.’

  ‘You are as good as we are, Bree, just give yourself a little time and you’ll see it too.’ He shot Caitlin a smile and winked.

  ‘We’re good then?’ Axon asked.

  Rory, Caitlin and Bree nodded.

  ‘All good to go, Axon. Bree here just needs a bit of TLC. The others have been with me for years and are as tough as they come. Breezy’s only been with us a short time, but she’ll do just fine. You’ll see.’

  ‘That’s your responsibility and I’ll expect you to make the hard call if any of your team doesn’t work out or follow your leadership.’ He shook Rory’s hand. ’Welcome to the heavens and into the Riders contingent. I’m so pleased I can now get Zoren off my back and let him know I’ve picked my team. You’ll be called the Macro Riders and I have a feeling after watching you on this mission, that you will be the most talked about, innovative and proactive group the heavens have ever encountered. Good luck to you all. I look forward to working with you.’

  With a handshake to Caitlin and Bree, he left the room to contact Zoren. Caitlin wondered how he would contact an angel but kept her mouth shut. That would be a question for another day. She wanted some alone time with just her friends. The excitement of Rory’s decision and Axon’s acceptance of her and the rest of the team with all their issues had her buzzing. She looked forward to knowing so much more about this mysterious new profession and, Axon Stanton.

  After an hour of happy chatter, Rory let the girls go to wake the others up to tell them the exciting news. Caitlin and Bree couldn’t wait and jumped on Nate and Jarvis. In retaliation the boys tickled and gently ruffled them up. Kayden opened his eyes and smiled at the shenanigans while waking up Cassie. Jason and Ethan were on armchairs. Both girls stood at the ready to pounce, counting, one two three so they could land at the same time. Bree leaped at Ethan, Caitlin at Jason and before they landed, both men had woken and snatched the girls up in mid-air, their speed equal to a panther catching its prey, running with them out into the pool and tossing them in. Bree and Caitlin were out like lightning, making a grab for the boys. Rory came in, snatched Bree from them and placed her behind him affectionately, waiting for a showdown. Ethan and Jason, never ones to back down, ran at him, both taking him down and pinning him beneath them on the floor.

  ‘We have a traitor in our midst,’ Jason chuckled. ‘You hold him Eth and I’ll get the girl.’ He dashed towards Bree who was too fast so he tried to grab Caitlin, but Axon was quicker and they disappeared into thin air and reappeared in the kitchen.

  ‘It’ll take them a minute before they realise where I took you.’ He shook his head at her. ‘You won’t learn will you? I’m not going to spend the rest of my days saving you Cait, so be...’ but before he could finish Jason and Ethan ran in and snatched her quickly out of his grip and sat her at the table between them.

  Jason laughed. ‘As punishment for playing dirty, you’re not allowed to have her back until we’re ready. So whatever discipline you were dishing out just then will have to wait and there will be no negotiating.’

  Axon opened his mouth but it was as far as he got. Jason put up his hand for him to stop. ‘Axon we don’t care if you are a Supreme Ruler with transportation abilities. You’re not our boss! Our territory; our rules!’

  Axon stood for a minute and Caitlin could tell he was plotting something until Kayden put his arm around him. ‘Don’t even try, mate, or they’ll only make it a whole day exercise.’ Kayden sat down with Cassie. ‘Glad it’s Caitlin this time instead of you, honey.’

  Rory and Bree came in with flushed faces. Caitlin smiled, knowing exactly what they had been doing. Smooching, no doubt. Nate and Jarvis almost knocked them over as they burst in the door arm in arm.

  ‘You lot are crazier than we are,’ Nate said as he and Jarvis pulled up chairs.

  Conor and Lisha were last to come and join them.

  ‘What did we miss? We heard the commotion.’ Conor’s sentence ended as his eyes rested on Caitlin between Jason and Ethan. A teasing smile formed. ‘Ahh the red-head. Should have known she would give our boys trouble. Sorry Caitlin, I should have warned you what’d happen if you stir us up. Not!’

  Caitlin pointed to Bree. ‘What about Miss-butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-her-mouth? She helped.’

  ‘Your protector was the one that turned this into a game and challenged us,’ Ethan said putting his arm around her. ‘Your boss needs to learn, not to mess with the best of the best, Newbies!’ He puffed out his chest as Ethan high fived him.

  Even Mrs Lekett laughed while she placed breakfast on the table. The two teams put aside the games while they dug into the delicious scones, pancakes and muffins, the conversation now on yesterday, all intent on learning the outcome.

  Kayden seemed different today, more relaxed, Caitlin thought as he spoke. ‘Klim from the Milky Way is going to allow the Royals in love access through his Milky Way if the Prince stands down. Delta, the ruler from the Pegasus constellation who was with Klim last night has offered to let the love birds use one of his winged horses so they will be able to move freely back and forwards from their home worlds whenever they wish.’

  Kayden gave praise. ‘There is someone to thank for this one. I must thank you, Caitlin.’ He surprised her, the colour creeping into her skin as all eyes rested on her. ‘It was the quirky and kindly friendship you freely gave to them last night that changed their minds and lightened their mood. It made them so much more agreeable and willing to compromise. When Klim and Delta left they asked to pass on to you their gratitude for the unusually comical and enjoyable night. They left an open invitation for you to visit them. I did explain this was not your domain but they insisted the treaty would only go ahead if you promised to keep in touch. Axon has already given permission for an off-world vacation once you settle in to your new position.’

  Caitlin smiled, remembering the stories of their homelands and how the Milky Way had a fun park that she’d pestered them to tell her about. ‘Hot damn, guys, we’re going to a theme park in the stars! Wahoo!’ She stood, leaned over the table and slapped at her friends’ hands.

  The chatter ran high with stories from Jason and Ethan while they finished the meal. It left team two excited and as they waved goodbye to Mrs Lekett and thanked her for her hospitality, they looked back on a now familiar sight that Caitlin would never forget. Well, not the tea, that’s for sure! She smiled, waiting for her horse to arrive. The sight was quite magical as she watched rabbits walking on back legs, complete with waistcoats and caps. The little munchkins guided the huge winged horses out from the forest, holding the reins with their little front paws.

  Axon’s eyes soaked in her every feature as she enjoyed the procession and, catching him watching her, she smiled sheepishly. Jason and Ethan guarded her until the horses stopped in front of them. ‘Okay Red, you’re free to go but remember, we are the superior team and always will be,’ Ethan stirred, hoping to get in the last poke.

  ‘Boys, I could have had you on your arse
s if I wanted, but damn I enjoyed that bit of fun.’ She showed honour in her response to their game.

  Jason lifted a smiling Caitlin up on the horse. ‘You’re all right Caitlin.’ He gave her the reins. ‘Now try not to stir up the planets to much Red. Try to behave.’

  ‘Cripes, and Rory’s had me on a leash. I’ve been on my best behaviour.’ She straightened, serious.

  Jason and Ethan both cracked up laughing, Ethan slapping the leg of his pants. ‘Man, she’s trouble. Wish I could join their team.’


  Landing on Altair to speak to the Prince, Caitlin had to admire the absolute splendour of how true Royalty lives. The castle was centuries old in style and yet the structure and grandeur were absolutely enchanting. Their orders were to stay put while Kayden, Axon, Woody and Rory went to negotiate. Caitlin protested, wanting just a peek inside the incredible and most likely historical attraction.

  Jason lifted her from her horse, not giving them a chance to say either way, placing her arm around his. ‘Can’t take you in Red, but I can show you around the grounds if you wish to join me in a short stroll.’

  ‘Happy to. Thank you Jason. At least there is one gentleman around here.’ She shot her nose up at Axon. His irritated look he gave her said it all. She was trouble with a capital T but the men rallied around to spoil her. She knew it frustrated him and secretly gloated she was getting to him. Maybe she was reading too much into it. She hoped not. He had told her, as the others, to wait by the horses and she knew it irked him that she never did as she was told. She smiled at his stubborn jaw as he set off with the others into the castle.

  Rory caught her eye. You are so spoilt! he mouthed as he turned to join Kayden on the overbridge that led to big golden gates that slowly opened before them.

  ‘Are the gates real gold? They look so heavy.’

  ‘Yes Cait, pure gold. The home worlds here have existed for many centuries, some since time began. And it’s the use of commodities such as this which gives the structure timeless durability.’

  She liked the way Jason could act so old and wise when he wasn’t fooling around as they did on their own. Here, on a ruler’s turf, he was as she would expect a Cloud Rider to be. She popped it in her memory bank; how to speak and get respect. He was still teaching her and she liked that he had seen something she needed to correct without chastising her. He didn’t say anything further; didn’t need to. Caitlin got it and he felt it, leaving her to take in her surroundings quietly. As they strolled, she was in awe of the luxurious grounds, each tree and shrub meticulously carved into shapes that represented so much of this universe she would now call home. A moat surrounded the castle, the water clear and clean as it washed over the rocky surface beneath. He led her into a courtyard, home to many unusual creatures. They were small and furry, yet shape-shifted when annoyed. They were similar to the dogitters from the last planet they were on, only these had wings and could fly off, though not too high.

  Caitlin jumped when one came near. ‘What the hell is that!’ She took another side step away as it jumped slightly at her.

  Jason was amused at her reaction. ‘Similar to chickens on Earth; they lay eggs but they don’t taste like chicken. More like rabbit.’

  ‘Yuk, hate rabbit.’ Caitlin screwed up her face in disgust. ‘Shoo … weird chickrabbit. ‘She wafted her hands, scaring it away.

  He laughed. ‘Very close, they’re actually called chick bits.’

  The threat eliminated now she identified with the animal, she glanced down, her feet sinking into thick lawn. Above, trees spread out massive branches. The leaves were a gold and orange mixture, each tree full of songbirds that struck up a noisy chatter and fluttered around at the sound of gunfire. They swung round as a huntsman moved further into the woods, his prey, a lifeless looking lamb, effortlessly thrown over his shoulder, his young companion letting out a shout of joy.

  White blossoms fell from the trees as the wind blew gently, shaking them from the branches. Jason removed one of them that landed in Caitlin’s hair and she put her hand up and helped remove the rest. He held her hand. ‘Geez Cait, your hair and hands feel like that of a child.’

  She smiled. ‘A story for another day.’

  Not wanting to spoil the moment explaining why her hair and skin was as it was, she smiled, the sunlight giving her an opportunity to take her mind elsewhere. Golden beams lit up the trees, bringing them alive. It was as if someone had flicked a switch and hundreds of fairy lights illuminated the playground of the animal kingdom. Jason took a step back as he watched, sure it was her that had lit up… or had it lit up to welcome her?

  The sight of the negotiating team that came out of the castle made them cut the walk short and return.

  ‘How did it go K?’ Jason asked.

  ‘Done!’ Kayden said simply. ‘Let’s go home.’

  Riders United

  Caitlin felt it a buzz kill when they arrived back on Kayden’s farm after the thrilling ride they had just been on; that was until Woody suggested a swim and BBQ at their farmhouse next door. Caitlin had racked her brain how they would all sleep in Kayden and Cassie’s modest two-bedroom house and was thrilled when she learned they would be sleeping next door in an eighteen bedroom homestead. The prospect of having her own room for the night pleased her immensely. Kayden’s home was fine, but just resting up before they left on the mission was a task in itself as they all pushed and shoved for a bit of space to lay their heads. Yes, Kayden’s farm was as pretty as a picture and the horses were adorable, but to sleep thirteen adults; nightmare comes to mind.

  ‘So what, the boss lives here in Smallville with no frills, while you guys live it up next door in a mansion with a spa and pool.’ Caitlin couldn’t help herself.

  Conor had his arm around Lisha and started grinning. ‘He won’t live with us because he won’t share Cassie.’

  Ethan chuckled and nudged Jason. ‘Yes but if he doesn’t share we go over and kidnap her anyway.’

  The men joked around as they began reminiscing about the last capture when they took her for a whole day and didn’t get her back until late that night.

  ‘Kayden was so pissed,’ Jason recalled. ‘We didn’t go near him for days.’ He grinned and the rest of them laughed.

  Caitlin eyed Cassie quietly standing by her man, remembering the party-girl-Cassie from last night, and could see why they loved having her around. She sure made you have a good time, yet looking at her now; she was comfortable and happy with just Kayden. The fun time girl from last night was nowhere to be seen. She just fitted in with whomever she was with at the time. Caitlin wondered if she’d have that talent now as well since they had done the magical sharing thing. She hoped so because with her red hair and temper, she had never been the IT-Girl.

  Once next door, Cassie took Caitlin, Bree, and Lisha upstairs to get changed for a swim. When they got downstairs, the guys were already in the pool fooling around. Cassie was as gutsy as they come and dived straight into the middle of them and was lifted up into Kayden’s arms as if he felt her coming. She giggled and laughed with him, showing no fear of being hit by the others as they dived and jumped around her. Trust, Caitlin thought. Something she had yet to learn. Here goes nothing. She gave herself little time to think and, throwing her towel aside she did the same. Rory caught her and tossed her up in the air, and as she dived under the water, the next to snatch her up was Axon.

  Caitlin looked over at Bree and Lisha. ‘Come on, it’s fun; just dive in the middle of them, they can feel you coming.’

  They raced each other to the edge of the pool, hurling themselves in the middle, and instantly they found themselves in someone’s arms. Caitlin heard Bree squeal as they tossed her about until she ended up in Rory arms. Caitlin relaxed, glad that Bree had listened to her.

  Turning back to Axon, she caught him checking out her body in the skimpy bikini. Not even an ounce of embarrassment did he show. Normally she would have slapped someone ogling her in that way, but his eyes burned in
to hers with something she didn’t expect; admiration. ‘You’re one impressive female.’

  A little shaky and not quite sure what to say to that, Caitlin splashed at him before ducking under the water to hide her confusion. She knew by his kisses he was interested, but only now saw so much more. She had felt him shake as he held her, his feelings real, and was unprepared for his reaction. She too, was confused, just as confused as he looked when she pulled away from him. If she mentioned it she knew he would just say something off-putting like, I am a man. That’s what we do – look! She had little time to reflect as another pair of hands gripped at her waist and she looked up into Jason’s face. With a wink, he threw her high into the air, a movement that put her back into the middle of the fighting mess again. This time Ethan lifted her up and out, setting her onto the edge of the pool, somehow picking up that she needed time out. She smiled as he touched her nose affectionately before jumping back into the game.

  Caitlin moved from the pool, now questioning how well they could feel her. Ethan’s foresight and sweetness had surprised her. In the spa she was joined by Axon, Kayden and Cassie and listened to them talk as she learned back and closed her eyes. The gentle stir of the jet stream moved her just enough to take her from their chatter and into a world where she wished to live forever. She imagined a life with a man such as Axon, in a world unlike this, her mind’s eye conjuring up a lifetime of wonderment.

  ‘Wake up Red, you’re mine.’ Woody broke her blissful trance.

  ‘What?’ Caitlin sat up quickly with a jolt and saw Woody and Rory looming over her.

  Caitlin already knew the potential that existed within her after Cassie’s powerful influence. To have such a gift did her head in, but not at the minute, not with all the powerful and influential immortals that she for once felt at home around. A one on one with Woody wasn’t what she felt like right now.

  Rory offered a hand, and helped her out. She wrapped a towel about her, listening to him. ‘We have talked about much, Cait, but you need more in-depth awareness than I can provide to get you into prime form. Woody has a gift that we believe can help bring out the powers Cassie has inaugurated in you. While on the job, she used her inner psyche to help you, but on our next mission she will not be there. You have to be able to do it on your own. Woody’s the best there is to peel away layers to discover the magic beneath.’