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Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2) Page 5

  She turned to Kayden, thinking her response to him. Well played, got me into trouble with my new boss and all. We have all night sugar; just don’t turn your back on me or the redhead wins. She let her lips screw up in a smirk, her eyes alive with them there fighting words, Kayden’s laughter rang through the house as he ignored her and went outside to summon the horses.

  She glanced up at Axon who was giving her a stare that made her feel uncomfortable. She could see he had meant what he said so she decided to ask questions to take his mind off the fact she had just done what he told her not to. Her eyes rested back at Kayden as the screen door flapped behind him. ‘What exactly is he capable of? How powerful is his telepathy?’

  ‘Kayden is capable of sending out orders from great distances. He’s known to many in the heavens as Ahearn, Lord of the Horses, a name he carried for many centuries before forming an alliance with Zoren. Once he accepted the position of Commanding Officer, his first mission was to seek out and form an elite group of individuals that you know as the Cloud Riders and peacekeepers of the stars.

  ‘So he talks to the horses as well. Why didn’t you tell me! I can just imagine what he’ll tell my horse to do, if I don’t behave.’ She nudged him and grinned. ‘Thanks for the heads up. My mouth is zipped.’ She made a gesture with her hands of zipping her lips closed, turning a key and throwing it away.

  This didn’t amuse her boss at all and Rory, taking control, put his arm around Caitlin’s shoulder and walked with her outside and away from Axon.

  ‘Cait, behave, or I’ll leave you here. You’re making me look bad. It looks as if I have no control over you. Quit the rude remarks and keep away from Axon. I don’t like the way you’re flirting with him. He’s our boss!’

  She shrugged him off, noticing the others in her team could see he was having a shot at her and had made themselves scarce. Alone, her eyes lit up, the anger building in her. ‘For a start I didn’t know he could hear me and if my thoughts are put out there for all to hear, then stiff, it isn’t my fault. I bet you’ve had plenty of thoughts too; he may get sick of me and change direction. Think yourself lucky he’s just picking on the frigging redhead and lastly, don’t infer I’m flirting unless you know I am.’ She put her hands on her hips, indignant at his last comment. ‘Rory.’


  ‘From now on I will flirt so get used to it. You dumped me for schoolgirl Breesie, so now I can do what I want.’

  ‘Cait, quit with the pretence, you were never interested in me anyway. And, you know this is hardly the place to discuss this. What the hell is wrong with you? This is so unlike you to be so bitchy when I speak to you.’

  Tears stung her eyes. ‘I miss you!’

  ‘Come here!’ He held out his arms and she sobbed into him.

  ‘I was your everything.’

  ‘Cait I don’t believe it’s me that’s upset you.’ He wiped her cheek tenderly. ‘I think it’s all this magic, here with them. I can feel the power humming through you. Please don’t make this awkward.’

  Caitlin sniffed and stood away from him. ‘Just forget it Rory. Forget everything. You’re the boss and that’s it from now on.’ She had lost him for good and it hurt. He couldn’t care less about how rejected I feel! But it would be the last time she would cry over him. He was brushing her off with a weak excuse and she didn’t believe her state of mind had anything to do with magic. He had just growled at her for the first time, ever. Of course it was him who upset her. Well he was going to be the head of their team so she would listen to his orders as she had always done, but make her cry again? I don’t think so! It was over. Her heart sank for a few minutes as she turned to walk back with him to the others. She had never questioned Rory before and it upset her as well that everything had changed between them.

  Rory kicked at a stone on the ground. His sigh let her know he was upset that he had stuffed everything up too. Traitor with my heart! She shook off the tears.

  Caitlin could already feel the link between her and Cassie. She was surprised it was her and not Bree or Lisha. She still had trouble controlling her powers at times and hoped Kayden knew what he was doing. With her arms folded, still annoyed with Rory, she watched as he went and stood with Bree, giving her that raised eyebrows like, I’m having trouble with the redhead but I’ve got it in the bag. Like hell you have! Her nose went up in the air and she looked away from Bree’s sudden stare.

  She listened in to Kayden who had started to explain how all the swapping of their special gifts worked. ‘I’ve tapped into team two.’ I guess that meant us, Caitlin surmised. I really have to stop feeling bitter and start listening. Rory was right, she had never made a move on him and it was her own fault not his. The crush she would get over— she eyed off Axon. Boss or not he was cute— maybe more appealing now I am free to shop around.

  Kayden coughed and caught her attention. The colour flushed to her cheeks. She had forgotten that if tuned-in, he could hear her thoughts. At any time, he apparently had the power to cut them off or relay a message to an individual. He smiled and winked. Caitlin gave him a bright smile. Yes, she liked Kayden too. He had been having fun with her but at the same time knew when not to.

  He turned his attention back to the group. ‘As I said, I have assessed the powers of group two and paired you up, matching you with a member of group one. You will now share the gifts within you and this works visa-versa, so any special powers each of you carry, will be shared with your match. Once the sharing is complete, you will feel more relaxed and comfortable with your surroundings. A link such as this lasts only for a few seconds. For some more powerful members, for example Cassie and Caitlin, this may continue permanently or until they decide to sever the link.’

  Kayden eyed Rory. ‘You’re with me buddy, Nate, you’re with Woody, Jarvis is with Jason, Lisha you’re with Conor, Bree is with Ethan and, Caitlin you are already feeling Cassie, aren’t you.’

  Caitlin smiled and nodded as Cassie slipped her arm through hers. They had started to become close already and this was now cementing their new friendship.

  ‘Me and my bestie here are just fine Kayden, thank you.’

  Caitlin felt warmed by Cassie’s remark, her bestie. She had just lost one and bam! she had a new one and decided this one was better as she’d never lose Cassie the way she had lost Rory.

  Girls! Girls! Girls!

  Axon passed Rory a magic golden bridle for each of his team members. ‘You will need these to transform the mare or stallion given to you into a flying horse. The animal will be protected in armour and capable of cloud travel through a portal, taking you to wherever it is you need to be. These horses are from the Pegasus constellation so if at any time you lose them, that is where they will return unless previously instructed.’

  ‘This is so surreal!’

  ‘This is your new world. Get used to it and fast!’ Axon’s no nonsense retort silenced any further comment or discussion.

  Mindful he was under the watchful eye of his boss, Rory handed them around while they observed Kayden telepathically call to the horses. All he did was go quiet for a couple of seconds and next thing Caitlin saw thirteen horses trot from the stable. In formation, the magnificent parade of muscle and shining coats marched out, and the perfect formation lined up before him, hoofs and head inclined as if bowing. She wanted to clap but everyone stood so quiet so Caitlin did too.

  Kayden gave Woody and Jason the go-ahead to show the trainees what to do. As they slipped the golden bridles on their stallions, the horses glowed. Caitlin and the others squinted, not wanting to turn away in case they missed something. As the brightness of the light dimmed, the horses shook out gorgeous white wings, their bodies covered in armour of what resembled large pearls and yet was made of material she knew would not be of this world. Each horse was easily identifiable by an unusual swirl of the same material, only coloured, on each of its sides.

  Once the transformation had completed Woody and Jason mounted their horses.

p; ‘Ohmygod!’ Caitlin closed in on them as the glare dimmed. ‘You guys get a make-over as well.’ She laughed, poking at Jason. He sat smiling at her. ‘Damn, man you look like an angel.’

  He laughed and jumped off the horse to give his charge, Jarvis, a hand with his horse. He now wore black leather pants tucked into knee high boots. The white t-shirt was slashed across the front a few times, exposing parts of his bare chest and the glistening skin beneath. Swords and daggers appeared; weapons with which she guessed her team would be training on when there was more time.

  ‘Awesome!’ She stood back as horse after horse and their riders were magically transformed. She was the last to bridle her horse, her mind running wild with how the horse would dress her. Axon stood by her, his nearness just enough to steady her imagination that had her quite worked up. She wondered if he knew what she was thinking but not wanting his closeness to distract her she moved a little away and turned to him, hoping to loosen the guy up. He was one hard nut to crack. ‘Well, I hope it leaves me with a damned bra on?’ was all she could come up with and smiled but alas there was no response in the dubious observant features.

  ‘Um, it’s hard to say.’ He took his time answering her. ‘Cassie’s outfits change with each horse. It will depend on if yours likes redheads with a temper.’

  ‘In that case I want old Red over there in the paddock; he won’t give a toss.’

  ‘That’s why old Red’s in the paddock; he doesn’t.’

  She cracked up laughing and not even getting a smile from Axon she turned to Kayden. ‘If this horse de-clothes me I’m telling Zoren.’

  Axon answered for him. ‘Archangels don’t wear clothes, so he won’t care. Now get on the bloody horse and quit it.’

  She swung her head around to Kayden and whispered, ‘Don’t they?’

  His smile told her Axon was kidding. ‘Now watch and learn although I certainly won’t be helping you as I do my wife.’

  He put out his hand to her. ‘Cassie.’ Kayden lifted her up and onto the horse. ‘Show these girls how it’s done sweetie.’ The love they had for each other as he kissed her lightly before letting her go, changed the glow to a divine shade of pink. Cassie transformed into the prettiest woman, a goddess and superior in every way.

  Caitlin watched as Conor helped Lisha and Ethan helped Bree. She was intrigued to see if they were dressed the same, rendered speechless when both girls matched, their short frocks tight and seductive, split up each side with only a gold belt to fasten. The exposed skin illuminated the same as the boys’. The only difference was their hair had been swept up at one side and clipped with gold and white flowers.

  At last, it was her turn and she flushed, embarrassed both teams were mounted and waiting on her, kicking herself for not making an attempt to get in the saddle while everyone was busy. Axon, obviously impatient to get this show on the road, lifted her up and on to her horse as if she weighed nothing. Caitlin, surprised by the quick mount, relaxed the best she could to let the magic take her over. She was pleased when her outfit resembled Cassie’s and smiled at the emeralds, her favourite stone, that decorated the knee-high boots that covered white pants. The top was sleeveless, laced up at the front, corset style. It was of a shimmering material, a fabric she had never seen before, and also decorated with emeralds. With a deep sigh she pulled at the top as she made an effort to tuck her breasts into it a bit more before taking the reins from Axon. ‘Could I look any more tarted up?’ She screwed up her lips as she adjusted the emerald studded silver arm bracelets around her upper arm, her hands going straight to her hair, feeling clips. She shook her head. ‘Emeralds, too, right.’

  Axon hadn’t moved, blinked or spoken. She waved her hand in front of his eyes. ‘Hey boss man, you still in there? It’s not that bad is it?’

  Finally, he blinked, his expression unusual, as if he were miles away in thought. It was the same goofy look Kayden had when he put Cassie on her horse. What is it with these guys?

  Caitlin bent down close to him and whispered, ‘you were away with the birds Axon, better get on your horse or Kayden will be on your case next, boss or not.’

  His eyes cleared and his forehead rippled and without a word, he turned and in one movement, leaped on his horse. Her heart pounded at the sight of his muscles through the slits of the t-shirt he now wore, the skin taut, tanned and illuminated.

  Caitlin’s ogling made her miss what Kayden was telling them. ‘What did I miss?’ She leaned over to Rory, who had noticed her checking out Axon and was smiling. Back to his normal self, he spoke to her the way he usually did, making Caitlin feel better towards him.

  ‘He was saying how the glow that surrounded our bodies prevents us from suffering from the glare the stars give off. He also added that it’s like wearing a pair of super human strength sun glasses.’ His tone was friendly, caring but alive with their normal banter. He wanted her back on side but she would make him sweat a little longer. By his side I will always be. She smiled at how much she cared for him too, feeling better and knowing that even Bree would never sever their friendship.

  ‘Well, impatient girlfriend dumper, if you hadn’t discarded me for that sexy woman next to you, who is really still my girlfriend not yours, I might not have been looking elsewhere and missed it.’

  ‘She’s my girlfriend now so stop trying to steal her back.’ He smiled at Bree.

  ‘You only like her more than me today because she looks hot in that outfit.’

  ‘Hot! I’m telling you now, when we get our own horses she isn’t ever going to be allowed to take that bridle off her horse.’

  Bree slapped him. ‘Go stuff yourself. I look good in anything.’

  ‘You’ll do what I say, you both will ‘cause I’m the boss!’ Rory stuck his nose in the air and trotted off. The attempt at arrogance made both girls laugh.

  ‘All chatter and jokes aside now guys, Kayden has to concentrate,’ Woody called back at team-two, who were ribbing each other for looking like fairies with their glowing skin.

  Woody and Kayden made an attempt to stifle laughter as they moved through the cloud mist. It was all fun and they remembered how much enjoyment they had with the guys in the earlier years when they transformed.

  ‘Newbies!’ Woody remarked.

  Kayden rolled his eyes at Caitlin, his guess correct that it would be her having the last word.

  ‘If it gets dark in the clouds, Rory, you have our permission to moon us girls so we can see where we are going.’

  The two teams cracked up laughing as Kayden relayed what she had said while he moved them all into the first portal. Normally Kayden would discipline his team for mucking about, but Caitlin had him drawn into her every word and he wondered if it was a power she had that she didn’t yet know about.


  As if sound had no place here, all banter ceased as the weirdness of the experience took over the new group. The silence was deafening as they flew quietly into the cloud cover and through the first portal. They had no idea what to expect and all thoughts of how funny their appearance was vanished, as did the world they left behind. The awareness and oddity of coming out of a portal and into another dimension was all that was on their minds. Caitlin watched as the clouds began to spin beams of coloured light around them. Bright blue, green, red and purple gathered in front of them, forming the shape of a star. The sharp lights twisted, turned and sped up until the colours blended and a hole appeared in the middle of the star. The sound of a whip cracking snapped at the portal opening, now large enough for their horses to fly through. Caitlin wondered if they would break apart as many movies had portrayed it.

  Kayden broke off her thoughts, his tone strange now he used telepathy to communicate with them. The next is a cumulonimbus cloud so hold on tight. This one will ascend hundreds of metres and the whip upwards can give you quite a jolt if you are not prepared.

  Catlin’s first impression was that she would enjoy this. The blend of colours puffed around them like cotton candy, soft and
calming. Not for long though as the ascent became sharp, the horses moving so fast the prettiness blurred. Her hands grabbed and tightened the reins as she leant forward to hold on, her fingers twisting around the horse’s mane, for fear she would fly off the back of the steed. She was thankful when the fissure appeared, as the crack of the portal opened to allow them an exit from the crazy ride. What the …? She looked back, once clear of the cloud. She didn’t like that one at all. Rory had better not use that sucker, cumulonimbus cloud my foot, shit myself cloud more like it. She quietly tittered and when there was no other secret laughter she was glad Kayden had finally tuned out on her, busy with the mission now. At last, I can be me again.

  With a gasp of awe, all she had been thinking faded as she glanced around. The stars, although slightly out of shape, radiated luminous points where she now knew the Cloud Riders used to position themselves when controlling a star. The planets were different in every way. They were perfectly rounded, the cloud of dust and gases surrounding them defining the colour of the glow. They looked like painted perfection. Her pride that the group she belonged to would soon be visiting them sent a thrilling shiver down her spine. She was here because of Rory and felt bad that she had believed he had neglected her. He had fought for them to all stay together. He had found her, given her a home and, now showed her where she belonged, where they all belonged, with him!

  The real excitement was only just beginning as Kayden pointed to the Teapot and headed for the star, Nunki, home world of the constellation’s ruler.

  Close to landing, Caitlin put her hand over her mouth to stifle laughter. On the surface, she had spotted a huge big teapot with windows and a door. You have to be kidding me! She shook her head with amusement as they landed.

  A large woman appeared in the doorway and waved with excitement, her grey hair pulled into a tight bun.

  In the woods by the edge of a brook, eccentrically-dressed animals sat at a table. A teapot, cups and saucers complete with a tall cake stand laden with cupcakes covered the top of a red and white chequered tablecloth that blew in the light breeze. Implausible as it all looked, Caitlin squinted and cracking up laughing when one of the animals with a waistcoat pulled a watch out of his pocket and checked the time.