Immortal Espionage Page 2
‘Can you keep a secret Mr Ricco the bouncer?’
‘Do you prefer females?’
‘Even if someone roughed you up to try and get my secret from your lips, would you tell on me?’
‘My word is my word.’
She pulled off the glasses, the moustache and the wig and her blonde hair bounced around her.
The smile he gave was both goofy and cute and she was glad she made the right choice. He put his hand out to her.
‘Wait. I have to show you it all. You have to see my whole secret.’ Alina chuckled like a mischievous schoolgirl and stripped off seductively, throwing her clothes wherever they landed, mainly on Ricco, who quickly tossed them aside so he didn’t miss a thing. His sexy look and grin encouraged her as she danced and sang to a melody she liked. He was enjoying the show, but once she got down to the briefest bra and knickers, he could wait no longer. Lifting her into his arms he kissed her, then sat with her and ran his hand through her real, silky hair.
‘I knew all along you were a female. I was just annoyed it was taking you so long to confide in me.’
‘What gave me away?’ She frowned. ‘This is not good Ricco. If you guessed others may.’
‘It was your eyes. Even through those awful glasses your eyes sparkled and danced as you spoke to me. No man, no matter how hard he tries, can do naturally what a real woman can do. You were delightful and I enjoyed watching the game you played with us all.’
He kissed her again and this time it was hard and with longing. ‘You are beautiful. Tell me your real name.’
‘My passport says Chad.’
‘Your real name.’ He frowned.
‘Please, just Chad for now, okay?’
He watched her face for a few seconds and then smiled again and his whole face lit up. ‘Then I will call you Alina. You are far too pretty to be called anything else.’
Shocked, she held her head back glaring up at him. How did he guess her real name? Held in the warmth of his arms, the hot sexy breath as he nuzzled her neck and earlobe, mixed with far too much booze, hazed her judgement. Maybe she accidentally slipped it out while under the influence and hadn’t noticed.
‘I was going to say something and you have made me forget.’ She moaned as he continued laying sweet kisses around her shoulders.
Suddenly he stopped and held her at arm’s length.
She wanted him and it annoyed her that he chose now to talk. ‘Damn it; what now?’
‘And you can take out those green contacts as well. You will damage those gorgeous blue eyes you have refused to show me.’
‘How did you know that?’ She pushed away from him.
This man knew far too much. He was either a good guesser, and she hardly thought so, or he was one of Detective Berry’s men and he would bust in at any moment.
‘Maybe you should leave.’
He started to remove his clothes and smiled again, totally ignoring her.
‘Alina….the contacts….Now.’
She looked at him, still dizzy from being in his arms. He was too big for her to fight and she really had no inclination tonight to run or argue. This might be her undoing but tonight she just wanted this big overgrown bully to love her until daybreak and then she would sneak off and he would never find her again. As he slowly removed his clothes her heart leapt and somewhere deep down an explosion of wanting this particular male was almost primal. Okay, she gave in, her need bigger than her thought of tomorrow. Let’s see what you got big boy. She removed her contacts.
‘Much better.’ He stood starkers and looking pleased.
The once over Alina had given him in the night club did little justice to him. Man he was hot, she thought, trying to find breath that stopped in her chest. Rippled muscles, tanned and gorgeous and hello, oh my god, his manhood was much, much more than she had even imagined.
‘Have you got a license for that?’ Geez far too many cocktails, and a girl will say anything.
Ricco thought her comment was funny and he chuckled as he came over, scooping her up in his arms to carry her into the bedroom. Then for the next few hours he showed her just how capable he was of handling such a weapon.
~ Chapter Three ~
Trust Who
Alina woke in the morning to find her hunky man gone. Phew! It made it easier than having that awkward goodbye although she yearned for another taste of the man who satisfied her most intimate need. A lustful thought that made her quiver deep within had her up and about. She was thankful when the stream of hot water in the shower washed away the fling that was best forgotten. Disguised again as a man, it was as Chad that she then went to book out of the motel. The clerk Jay handed her a message while the bellboy brought her bags. Alina read, holding the paper with a shaky hand.
Mon chéri, sorry I had to run but had a business conference. Meet me for private lunch at noon, outside La Mirage restaurant at the marina. Bring your bathers and a towel as we will be taking a dip. If you must hide some of yourself, make it behind a big pair of sunglasses and big floppy hat. My frame will cover the rest of your gorgeous body.
Alina could see his smile as he wrote it, and put her nose to the note so his aftershave filled her senses. Cover me… yes please. Delicate fingers wiped her brow, as everything about him made her dizzy. To be sensible, she should leave. Last night was all about the sex; there was to be no second interlude, but loins that pounded were doing the thinking for her. This could become complicated. What happened to my promise for no more involvement?
Shit! She paced the foyer tapping the note against her upper lip. Would it hurt to stay one more night?
She turned to the clerk who watched intently.
‘I’ve changed my mind. I want to be rebooked in but I need a new suite.’
He nodded and started to punch her name back into the computer.
‘I have security issues and would like to use a different name.’
He nodded. ‘What name would you like to use, sir?’
She rolled her shoulders. ‘Sleeping Beauty.’
‘Mm.’ He eyed her. ‘Did you know that stars mostly use the name of a cartoon character they relate to and this one slept for a hundred years? I hope you have a lot of money if we can’t wake you.’
Alina watched him and smiled. If he only knew! She may not have slept one hundred years, but she had lived that long. After sleeping with hunky Ricco last night, Alina felt like she too had just been awakened. Every nerve end tingled from his exquisite attention and her mind would not stop recalling his gentle touch.
Alina reddened under Jay’s intense stare. She was a man calling herself a female cartoon character’s name; hardly smart. She put on her best Aussie drawl. A master of morphing into new cultures. ‘Ah hell, I like it so call me gay,’ she said, and stifled a chuckle behind her hand. She had to come out of the closet to excuse it and yet she was neither gay nor a guy. This was getting too complicated. ‘Sleeping Beauty it is. ’
‘Well Sleeping Beauty, here is your key and I’ll get your things put back in your new room. Have a nice day.’ He didn’t even look a little rattled. Presumably he often got nut cases.
Alina had time up her sleeve before meeting Ricco so she hailed one of the taxis outside. At Surfers Paradise she brightened on locating trendy shops close together. Her intention was to transform now into a sexy female and she searched for an outfit that was sure to put her in Ricco’s arms not only for the day but also the night.
God, what am I doing, lust for this guy could get me caught. She tried to discipline herself. Risky and yet so damned exciting… a date, the first one since my husband died. The delight of fear and joy had her adrenalin pumping and heart racing.
At the beauty parlour, Alina was fussed over by a wonderful Aussie girl with a great personality. Within record time little Aussie had organised a facial, a body tan and her hair to be washed and styled. Next stop was a fashion store where she purcha
sed an outfit and wore it straight out of the store. The shop girl agreed to send her previous male attire to charity. There was no way she wanted to go on a lunch date with a hunky man carrying a bag full of men’s clothes. Not a good look.
Ricco had only seen her at night hiding as a man, and then, well, naked. She hoped he liked her dressed as a woman. If not, there was the far too brief bikini under her light summer dress.
A girl has to do what a girl has to do.
Adjusting a pair of large sunglasses on her nose and pulling at the front on the wide brimmed hat made her cover complete and she hailed a taxi and travelled to where see was to meet him.
Alina found her way quickly and before she knew it had rounded the corner catching sight of the restaurant. A stranger that stood and talked to Ricco froze her to the spot. Sure it was a detective, she ducked into a shop and hoped as Ricco looked up he had not noticed her. Wildly disappointment that Ricco betrayed her, Alina ducked out a side entrance and headed up an alley. The hairs on her neck prickled with intensity as she hoped to god she could get away without being caught.
How stupid was I to trust him? He put me directly into their hands.
The next corner would see her safe and she ran in shoes far too high for this form of exercise. She should stop and take them off, but even to pause for a second was out of the question. Her mind in turmoil, she didn’t sense her pursuer until two hands grabbed her from behind. She squealed.
‘Why are you running from me? What’s wrong?’ He turned her to him.
Alina slapped him good and hard across the cheek as tears stung her eyes. ‘How could you! You, you, snitch!’ She went to slap him again.
He held her hand and looked hurt. ‘Alina, what’s happened?’
‘I saw you talking to that detective; what did you say about me? Damn you Ricco.’
‘He was asking for directions.’ He looked confused. Or was he lying? Shit! She couldn’t tell.
‘Stop it Alina, you’re being paranoid.’
‘Am not.’ She wiggled for him to release her but to no avail. Should or shouldn’t she trust him?
‘Are so,’ he said, grinning and wrapping his warm arms lightly around her. He was so delicious. Maybe he was right and she was freaking out for no reason? She wanted to believe him so desperately.
Once she settled he removed one of his hands and pulled off her glasses and hat, his face sincere as he sighed. ‘You look gorgeous.’ His voice was a husky whisper as he claimed her lips. ‘Mm nice.’ He grinned, watching her eyes. ‘Much better.’
Alina relaxed and poked his ribs. ‘Stop eyeing me off and take me for lunch or I will go and hand myself in to the detective. At least I will be fed in jail.’
Ricco looked shocked.
‘Well,’ she protested, ‘I had no time for breakfast. You had me running around shopping for a dress.’
‘Ah so that is where this bad mood comes from. I left you as tame as a kitten this morning. And even though you are very sexy when you are angry, I prefer my woman to be more in control when out in public.’
‘Shut up and stop being so bossy.’
‘Okay, if you promise not to run again. And talk to me first before you jump to any conclusions.’
‘Okay, agreed. Now button it and feed me.’ Her smile was wide and cheeky.
‘You’re a naughty girl and you will be punished for speaking to me like this later.’
‘Shut up.’ She pinched his arm.
He opened up his mouth to say something else and closed it. He apparently realised he would not get any sense out of her until she’d eaten. Without another word he took her hand and led her back towards the restaurant. Skilfully he navigated her away from the door and down some steps by the side of it.
Now where is he taking me? This guy was rattling her and worse, she enjoyed every second of it. What was he up to? Fear and excitement run up and down her spine. Did he just lie so I’d trail behind him without yelling and screaming? Was he leading her to the authorities after all? She felt the fear prickle up over her head and down her arms. These worries faded quickly, as she realised she would probably follow him into the gates of hell.
A loud noise made her jump, bringing her mind back to reality. A car backfired and she trembled.
Ricco wrapped his arm around her. ‘You’re a frightened little kitten. Trust me. Last night, do you remember I promised to take care of you? Well I am a man of honour. While you are with me you are safe.’
He stopped next to a large boat, and introduced her to Captain Nash. He was not as tall as Ricco but still looked a big man compared to her thin frame. The Captain was slightly overweight and had a beard that looked as if he rarely got time to groom it. His gaze darted around suspiciously as he helped Alina into the boat; his cold hands gave her a creepy shiver. Regardless of this, he sounded pleasant enough and most likely she had imagined it. Since her late husband died, she had not made one friend. She missed the company of that special someone. She had to stop being afraid. Her nerves were raw; she was jumpy, uncertain and leaned into Ricco for support. The arm that slid around her shoulder calmed her straight away. What was it about this man? Why did she feel so at ease with him? She barely knew him.
‘Miss Alina.’ Captain Nash smiled awkwardly as if he didn’t do it much. ‘I hope you enjoy the day.’
He took his gaze from her.
‘Prince Ricco.’ He inclined his head and addressed her companion with respect. ‘We are ready to depart if that suits you.’
‘Oui, nous pouvons partir maintenant que je ai mon doux compagnon.’ He hugged Alina. ‘We will be in the cabin. Please have the butler bring us drinks and a light snack downstairs.’
Alina stood with her mouth open and reminded herself to close it. She had no idea Ricco was a prince or that he spoke French. She hoped what he said was flattering. No wonder he was a little stuffy having a woman talk to him as she did. That was something he would not be used to. Alina chuckled a little to herself. How bizarre all this was. But common sense crept back into her mind; all this was just too weird. She wanted to get off the boat and needed to get Ricco aside to break their date.
The captain bowed and left.
‘Please, can we talk in private?’
He took her arm and she followed him to stairs that took them into the cabin where they sat together on a lovely soft leather lounge.
‘You should have told me you weren’t a bouncer. When I hired you, and gave you that money. You were standing with the others and I just assumed…’
‘If I had told you who I was last night, would you have taken me home afterwards or met me here today?’
‘Possibly not,’ she said truthfully.
‘This complicates things for you?’
She nodded. ‘A man of your status can’t be found with me. I am what you call broken, bad news. You mustn’t let them pull away from the dock. I have to leave now Ricco. I am terribly sorry to have misled you.’
‘Alina, you must first tell the truth to me. Did you break the law? Is this why you run?’
‘We have no time for me to explain. The law forces me to break the rules. You don’t understand how important it is for me to stay hidden. If the government gets hold of me…..’ She didn’t finish, afraid she had already said too much.
‘Governments want people for two reasons, your abilities, or, for you not to exist. Which one do you run from?’
He kept guessing; how? If he knew the truth he would be frightened as others had been, over her many years, before meeting her late husband. No, best she get off this boat and be gone forever.
‘All I can tell you Ricco is that I look and feel normal, but –’ She had already said too much.
‘How old are you Alina?’ he asked in a whisper.
Enchanted colours captured her within his eyes.
‘I’m many years older than I look.’ What am I saying!
‘Are any of your family like you?’
‘I have no family that I know of. The couple that brought me up have both passed over now. My mother died giving birth to me and I’m told this sent my father loopy. I never knew them.’
She shook her head and pulled herself out of the trance. She stood to leave, only he surprised her as his arms wrapped around her. ‘Let me care for you Alina. I can help. Much more than you know. Stay and if by the end of this day you still don’t trust me I promise I will let you leave. Just this moment is all I ask.’
Alina tried hard to get words out to argue with him but his gaze melted her. She needed to be in his arms for one more day. Her silent promise was to leave first thing in the morning and no more giving in.
She smiled. ‘One day.’
He grinned and nodded. ‘Just one day.’
‘I would like that too. But tomorrow I must say goodbye and you have to let me go.’
He nodded and kissed her lips. ‘You taste so lovely. Could I stretch, two days?’
He kissed her again and her heart raced. He pulled away and she wanted more.
‘Two days,’ he whispered in her ear and moved back to her mouth.
‘Two days,’ he said for a third time. His kiss was now intense.
‘Two days.’ She muttered it dreamily. What the heck. She had no chance against this god and his hands. Man, she was going to be sorry she had no willpower if she got caught.
‘Can I double that?’
‘You’re not being rational or fair. I am dangerous to be with.’
‘Four days?’ His hardness pressed against her, his hands moving under her shirt. ‘Not a soul around, just us.’
‘Mm, sounds divine.’
He grinned, and won. ‘You’re all mine then.’ He lifted her in his arms, took her into the bedroom and kicked the door so it slammed shut behind them.
* * * *
‘To our last night together.’ Glasses clinked.
Alina and her prince had spent the time in the comfort of the bedroom. Ricco made a promise to make Alina feel more loved than she had ever been in her life. Over the past four days he had lived up to everything he promised.