Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2) Read online

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  Axon sighed. ‘Zoren you know that the main reason I hold my position is because I feel no real connection to anyone, hence, why I have never taken on a partner. They expect more TLC than the men. My team will have to be forward thinkers, swift but efficient and be very coordinated. I will not tolerate anything but perfection.’ Zoren’s defence of the women in the group annoyed him. ‘I just don’t feel women can take orders and I’m not happy to have them under my command. I like Rory, their leader, but I don’t like that he insists they are a package deal. Until I meet them, I will attempt to keep an open mind. But so help me if the girls give me the slightest bit of trouble! I swear they’ll be back on Earth, without delay.’ He growled, irritated at even the thought of it.

  The blue in Zoren’s eyes almost paled. Axon’s outburst was taken well. It pleased him to learn the new position would not change their friendship. ‘Okay, I’ve got it off my chest now. I’ll shut up.’

  With Zoren semi calm, Axon eyed Kayden and could tell he had helped defuse the Angel with some cleverly disguised magic. He felt the cloud lift and if he could feel it, he sure as hell knew Zoren would too. Smugly he lit up a cigar when the attention turned to the leader of the Cloud Riders.

  Not that he wanted him to have to squirm too, well maybe a little, but mostly he needed a couple of minutes to take advantage of the improved mood Kayden had initiated. He listened quietly as he drew in the sweet tasting smoke.

  Zoren picked up his NAVsky reader from the floor.

  ‘Kayden, once Axon makes a decision on what team he wants, your Cloud Riders must put a couple of days aside to train them. You are to take them on the next mission given. Choose the person suited to each one of your members so they can link with their magic. I trust you will give them whatever powers they need to make them ready. Teach them what is expected and don’t hold back. It will be rough on them going up against the powers of ancient rulers. We have no time to waste. If one or more of them is not going to make it, let Axon know so he can replace them immediately. We count on your ability to prepare or expel where necessary.’

  Zoren stood up, and grabbed his file off the table. ‘You two have your orders. You know where to find me if you need to.’ He left the room in a cloud of silence, and his archangel’s swiftness and serenity lingered even after the door closed noisily behind him.

  Axon leant back in his chair after he packed up his paperwork. Kayden chatted casually but his eyes said more. ‘Whenever you’re ready man, just give us boys the nod and we’re there for you.’

  Axon knew Kayden understood how he felt about women in a team, as it had been only Kayden and his boys for many years before Cassie joined them. ‘Okay! Spit it out. I can see you want to give me some advice so go for it.’ Axon gave him a slight grin.

  ‘Look, this is the way I see it, Axon, and this is not a lecture, just an observation. You spent your whole life dedicated to the cause; you were Zoren’s rock and you were together a long time before even I came into it. I can only imagine how frustrated you must feel. Not only have you left your friend’s side, but now have to form a completely new relationship with strangers, new individuals that you don’t know or trust yet. On top of that, there are females which opens up an entire new world of hurt if they give you trouble. How to deal with them is an art and one I learnt after much pain. Until Cassie came along, the boys and I would never have contemplated a female in our ranks. That would have annoyed the hell out of us. That said I felt from the start that Cassie was supposed to be with me and if you don’t feel that straight away with your female team members, then I would advise you to look elsewhere. If I have learnt anything since I met you, it is that you have excellent judgement with all those around you, so just trust your instincts.’

  Axon drew on the cigar and started to loosen up. Kayden was always very calming to have around and he really did need someone who had been through it to bounce things off. ‘I’ve spoken to Rory, the leader, on a few occasions. By an act of fate the immortals have drawn closer to each other over time, and their bond has grown strong and solid. The three males and three females have cleverly hidden amongst the mortals on Earth for quite a few years now.

  ‘I’m eager as hell to sign up the boys but the females… he shook his head and glared into space before turning back to Kayden. ‘As you can imagine, they are a real problem for me. I have no idea how to communicate with such weak creatures. No disrespect to your Cassie,’ he added.

  ‘None taken.’

  ‘I was supposed to meet up with them a couple of nights ago but they were held up. I have contacted Rory and will be meeting with them shortly. If I can’t deal with it after that I’ll move on and look for the other group that is said to be somewhere in South Africa.’

  ‘Glad it’s not my decision again. Geez, it was hell choosing my team. They were scattered across the nations and hated each other at first.’ He sucked in his breath deeply as he re-lived it. ‘Yes, even the brothers Jason and Ethan. They were a handful, and if they hadn’t become brothers in arms, it would have been brothers in jail.’ He gave a slight shake of his head, amused.

  Axon grinned, as he too remembered Kayden’s unruly band of men when they first started out. ‘You had time to choose and were tough on them Kayden, but you had to be. They respect you more for how you dealt with them, so it worked out. Me, well! As you’ve heard, Zoren has pressured me to pick my team ASAP. I feel rushed and worry that I’ll just take this group on out of desperation. I’m so annoyed it has to go down like this.’

  ‘Axon, you can only go with what is in your training. Make a decision and move on if there is even a shadow of a doubt. Zoren is pushing, but isn’t he always? Just take the time you need. If they are not right for the job my boys will soon tell you.’

  ‘Fair enough!’

  ‘We’ve got your back, Axon, as you have always had ours.’

  Axon nodded, as he stood up, eager to get moving. ‘I’ll ring as soon as I’ve met them to give you a heads up.’

  ‘Just let me know what time you’ll be arriving and I’ll organise the rest. Damn it! Another group of hillbillies to train! My boys are going to love this when I tell them,’ Kayden said.

  ‘Teach you for being so good at what you do, K.’

  Both men laughed. Axon had watched Kayden’s team train many of Zoren’s teams over the time and each time the pranks got worse but teams came through it stronger and better for it. ‘I’ll need us picked up from the airport. Not keen to use my transport-abilities. I want time alone with them and stuck on a plane should give me an idea of their temperaments.’

  ‘No probs; whatever you need.’ Kayden shook his hand.

  They had been close over the years and Axon felt grateful, not only for Kayden’s commitment to him, but for the tranquil and positive mood he just sneakily put him in, again.

  The Encounter

  Caitlin stood outside a city nightclub. ‘I repeat, my name’s Caitlin Warner,’ She had snapped a nail and her tone reflected her mood as she gave the cab company her details. A glance at her watch left her worried as it was nearly midnight which meant she had been out to it for a couple of hours and was still in a dazed state. Where are my friends? Only minutes ago, she’d woken in the women’s cubical. The throbbing of her head, poor vision and dizziness forced her lean body to slump against the wall of the nightclub. Suddenly not able to stay conscious, she fell forward and collapsed.

  She felt the warmth of a body near her when she regained consciousness. Gradually, the sight of a stranger with a very handsome face came into focus. He smiled down at her with eyes that captivated her, the streetlight bright enough for her to distinguish the depth and darkness of colour. A dark curl licked at his forehead as he leant down to see if she was hurt. His soft and kind features made her want to stay just a while, even if only to find out his name.

  He asked if she was okay. All she could do was smile as he joined her on the steps where she now sat. She held her breath at the touch of his hands while he fel
t for injuries. His lips broke into a smile as he turned her hand one way and the other. ‘You seem to be okay now. Nothing broken. Looks like I caught you just in time.’

  Caitlin stretched fully. The sensation of him so close made her even lighter headed. Trying to stand up, she quickly sat back down, overcome by dizziness once again.

  ‘Not too fast there love,’ he said calmly. ‘You’ve just fainted. Do you know what happened to bring it on?’

  Caitlin groaned. ‘I’m thinking it was something I drank, although I only had a diet cola.’

  She thought him sweet the way worry lines creased his forehead. ‘Are you on your own?’

  ‘No, I was with friends but they seem to have ditched me, the ratbags.’ She took the phone he handed her, which was now in pieces from her fall on the pavement.

  ‘And you call them friends! Maybe you should consider getting new friends if they can’t be reliable.’

  She got up and pulled out of his grip. ‘Thanks for your help but I’m fine now. Hope I didn’t inconvenience you too much but a lecture is a bit more than I’m in the mood for right now.’ With a huff, she turned to walk away. I hardly need some well- dressed, probably rich-dude-know-it-all telling me whom I should and shouldn’t associate with. She staggered just a little heading towards the cab that arrived and he was back by her side, obviously ignoring her rudeness, helping her once more.

  ‘I apologise if I’ve upset you but you really do need help. Let’s get you into that cab and home first before you fall down yet again.’ This time he spoke so amiably that she gave in and leaned against him, her legs wobbly. She was grateful for an arm to rest on.

  In the cab, Caitlin considered the dangers of this stranger, in fact any unfamiliar person, finding out her address, but, somehow, she didn’t feel this man was a threat to her. She could see he genuinely looked concerned and was merely a kindly stranger doing what he must have thought a good deed, lending a hand to a helpless damsel.

  In the elevator to her modest, small apartment she suddenly felt embarrassed for her humble lifestyle. Caitlin wasn’t one for possessions and now wished she had listened to her friends and used her money more wisely instead of just blowing it having fun.

  She fumbled with her keys, dropping them. The stranger bent down and picked them up for her. Propping her up with one hand, he managed to open the door with the other. He helped her inside and laid her on the couch, placing a pillow under her head. Caitlin couldn’t stop smiling at him each time he did something nice.

  ‘Coffee?’ he asked, heading to the kitchen.

  ‘You don’t have to do that, really, I’m fine now.’ She watched him switching on the kettle, ignoring her.

  ‘You already told me you were fine when you walked away from me the first time. I think I am a better judge of whether you are or not. Until I think otherwise you are just going to have to put up with me looking after you. I do promise to try not to annoy you this time.’

  Caitlin lay back and closed her eyes. She must have dozed off again. It wasn’t until she felt him touch her forehead that she opened her eyes and realized he had made the coffee.

  She sat up, apologising for only having one couch as furniture.

  He squeezed in beside her and handed her the coffee. ‘I wasn’t sure how you liked it. You didn’t answer me so hot and sweet it is. Hope that’s okay?’

  She watched his large hands wrap around the cup and for some reason imagined being held by them. She shook it off, trying to concentrate on his conversation. He was telling her he was only in town for the night. ‘I was supposed to meet someone at that club bar, but a late conference held me up.’ He leant over, placing his cup on the coffee table. ‘Talk about a fluke that I was there in time to catch you before you hit the pavement.’ He smiled.

  ‘Might have been messy, thanks Mr…’

  With that, he stood up, taking her cup, ducking her lead to find out a little about him.

  ‘I’ll just clean the cups up and get you comfortable then I must get going.’ His movements were quick, but his boots seemed to make no sound on the tiled floor. She chatted while he tidied up the kitchen, and his interest in her mundane life surprised her.

  Once he finished she stood and stretched. Her intention was to see him out.

  ‘I can see you feel better now so I’ll head off and let you get some rest.’

  His movement towards the door at the same time had their hands touch lightly, the electricity making them grab at each other, both swept away in a moment neither expected. His lips felt hot and gentle while he claimed her mouth, at the same time lifting her up in his arms. In the bedroom he laid her on the bed. Then as he pulled away she felt confused and disappointed.

  ‘Look, I have no choice but to leave early in the morning.’ He kissed her forehead. ‘I’ll contact you when I am in town next if you still want to see me again.’

  The gentle kiss and calm voice told her nothing. Caitlin’s temper shot up as she assumed this was his way of letting her down gently. She, her home, the kiss, were not enough for a flash dude like him.

  ‘Don’t bother lying to me. Just admit I’m not good enough for your kind. Just get the hell out.’ She rolled over, turning her back on him.

  He started to protest and she put a pillow over her head. ‘Get out!’ she growled at him and this time, did hear his footsteps as he stomped out the front door.


  The next morning Caitlin moaned with the painful throb in her head and remembering the events, added embarrassment to her list of why she wished to stay in bed. There was no reason she could now justify for her reaction to her mystery man’s kiss and she wondered how she could have reacted so childishly to such a pleasant man who had been so sweet and gentlemanly toward her. She had never felt like that about anyone and kicked herself for not asking his name. Did I tell him mine?

  Getting ready for work she agonised over his departure that left him nameless. Usually it was her backing off, her doing the hurting, although she never knew how it really felt until now.

  The trip to work made her feel no better. Whatever it was had really bombed her out. The elevator doors opened up to show her best friend, Rory, and his new girlfriend Bree. Both had that, where did you get to? Look.

  ‘Don’t give me that, what happened to you guys last night? I came out of the ladies’ and you were gone,’ Caitlin snapped before they could speak, still peeved.

  Rory’s mouth opened, not sure what to say. She had stumped him at his own game. She knew he would have been rushing to get Bree out as it was the first night she had finally let herself go with him. Man, was she going to make him suffer for doing this to her. They had never been romantic but this felt wrong, unacceptable!

  ‘We thought you’d left before us. We thought you ditched us.’ Bree’s tone sounded surprised that this was not the case.

  Rory’s arm shot off Bree’s shoulder. The actions showed his annoyance that his sister had let him down. ‘Lisha, you can’t trust that girl! She insisted the stalls were all empty and that you weren’t in there. Sorry Cait, did you get home all right?’

  Caitlin sighed. Rory’s sister was a bit of an airhead at times. Lisha wouldn’t think that if a door was closed and no one answered that, hey! The person in there may be passed out.

  What was really making Caitlin cross was Rory’s behaviour. Rory was Caitlin’s closest friend and now she guessed her indifference towards his advances had forced him to look elsewhere. Bree was a newcomer and he had scored with her. Now as he stood with his arm around her, Caitlin felt a pang of jealousy. His tall frame towered over her and he looked radiantly happy. His usually gentle light blue eyes seemed to look frosty and she knew by his tousled sandy hair that he’d most likely woken with Bree and after one more round of love making had come straight into work. Even the sprinkle of freckles around his nose seemed lighter on his handsome face. This revelation that she had lost him for good now, on top of how she felt, broke her heart.

  She fumbled in her
bag for a tissue.

  ‘Cait, what’s wrong? Did something happen?’ Bree asked.

  ‘How did you get home then?’ Rory had no empathy, demanding answers.

  She sniffed, stuffing the tissue in her pocket. Ignoring Bree she turned to Rory with the intent to make him jealous too. ’A man helped me. We cabbed it home together and he stayed for a while.’

  Rory exploded. ‘What! You did what?’

  ‘I believe someone spiked my drink. I must have passed out on the loo. When I came out you were all gone. I went out the front to hail a cab and POW; I’m out to it again.’ She rubbed her eyes that were still out of focus.

  ‘You passed out?’ Bree slipped her arm through Caitlin’s. ‘You should go home! Are you all right?’

  ‘I’m still out of it a bit.’ She placed her hand to her head, and the movement forced Bree to move away. She was dirty on both of them and didn’t want anyone to touch her. However hadn’t finished stirring up Rory. ‘The only reason I am not in hospital is because this man caught me just before my head hit the pavement. Otherwise I would have cracked it open for sure.’ She grinned at Rory. ‘The sweetie even stayed and made me a coffee.’

  Rory turned red with anger; she hoped some of it was jealousy. ‘I can’t believe you let a stranger into your apartment! He could have been dangerous! What were you thinking, Cait?’

  Bree tilted her head abruptly up at Rory. ‘Don’t snap at her, she was out of it and needed her friends and where were we? I should have made sure she wasn’t there before I let you drag me off. Geez Rory! We’re to look after each other when we go out like that. You know what it’s like in some of those nightclubs. We should have known it was out of character for her just to take off.’